All in lifestyle


Hello lovelies! It’s been quite some time since I have written. I have been struggling with what to say, what to cover. Then tonight after my yoga practice I felt compelled to journal. As I re-read my thoughts I realized that this is what I what I wanted to share. Short and sweet but feels just perfect. Sending you all love, light and healthy vibes!

Loving the newborn stage..with Taking Cara Babies infant sleep class

An honest review of Taking Cara Babies “Will I Ever Sleep Again?” Infant sleep course

Hi Friends! It’s been a year since I’ve written to you. In that time, I’ve become a momma and our son is about to turn 1 in just a few days. This has been the most incredible year of my life, of course against the backdrop of one of the hardest years for absolutely everyone in the world as we navigate this global pandemic.

Now that I’ve got 1 year of momma experience under my belt, I want to revisit some of the most important topics from both my son’s first year and our first year of being parents! So this will be my first blog in a series all about motherhood.

Walking to wellness

Hello readers! I'm super excited to share this post with you all, as to me it exemplifies part of the original vision Allison I had for the blog: focusing on things (no matter how big or small) that we are loving lately. So…what have I been loving lately?! My mom's commitment to her cardiovascular health and her development of a walking exercise routine! I really wanted to feature her because she exemplifies that small consistent changes can add up to some of the biggest results. I truly couldn't be prouder of her!

World Stroke Day

Today is World Stroke Day and something I feel compelled to speak out, despite my hesitancy because it’s quite emotional and private. I’m still wrestling with the fact that stroke is something that has effected me. It’s important though to share our stories, embrace our vulnerabilities, and get important conversations started. World Stroke Day seeks to raise awareness for stroke, the second leading cause of death. A stroke can happen to anyone, at anytime and anywhere. Young or old, completely healthy or suffering from a pre-existing condition, anyone can be effected. With stroke it’s important to act FAST and to know what to look out for. I’d urge you all to go to for a variety of resources. It takes just a few minutes to educate yourself and you just might save a life!

Stream of Consciousness

After an almost 4 month hiatus I'm happy to say I'm back to writing!!

Over the last few months I struggled to settle on a certain topic I wanted to write about. When it comes to my writing I am definitely a perfectionist and I feel like I need to deliver a top-quality piece with a clear beginning, middle and end each and every time. My mind, emotions and experiences were all over the place and I couldn't settle down enough to string together what I considered a cohesive and coherent post. But then I realized life is not always so succinct and easy to tie up in a nice little package and that in and of itself is what makes it so beautiful. Back in the beginning of June I was on the cusp of experiencing so much beauty, so much opportunity, and so much "newness".  As I've moved through so much in the past few months I finally decided to take the leap and just write: attempting to cover all that I've been feeling and all that has been happening. Here goes nothing – my stream of consciousness post! I'm smirking as I'm typing because there's no way I can adequately capture all of my feelings and do them justice with mere words.

Mind Body Aligned

The universe truly works in magical ways. Roughly a year and a half ago I was at one of my all-time lowest points. It certainly didn’t help that I got in not one, but two, car accidents within 5 weeks. The second accident was pretty traumatizing and totaled not only my car, but the remainder of the spirit I was fighting to hold on to.

The body

This week I want to talk about something we carry with us everywhere, but hardly ever think about.  Unless we’re complaining about it! Or pinching and prodding it.


Spring is here and as soon as it rolls into summer we can all bet that every advertisement will be about bikinis, losing weight, and getting rid of cellulite, blemishes and any other perceived imperfection a body can have.  In conversations with friends, the topics will be “I need to lose 10lb or I have to get rid of these stretch marks before I can show my legs.” And I want to head this off at the pass, so to speak. I know that the way the media landscape is, this post may be the only positive thing you read about your body this whole season.  Even ads and organizations claiming to be body positive resort to tactics that trick us into feeling bad, all so we’ll buy the latest bra, skin cream, or eyeshadow.

We'll all float on okay

The past six weeks have been nothing but beautiful chaos. The last time I wrote we were gearing up for heart month and all that goes along with it. There truly aren’t adequate words to express how much all of this has come to mean to us. However, if i had to pick one word to begin to describe things, it would definitely be passion.